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Try out special bundled courses for ECR Baltic at $150 (Claim your ECR Baltic members code at info@ecr-baltic.org or +371 26546645) $200 others!
Strategic Category Management Fundamentals:
Category Management Overview, Retailer Strategy, Category Definition & Segmentation, Category Roles, Develop & Implement the Category Plan
This program gives the fundamentals that retailers and FMCG companies need to understand to move to a more strategic category management approach. Participants will learn the foundations of the category management process, including the key steps of this retailer-driven process. The rest of the program covers details of critical components of a Retailer's strategy, which create the foundations for the rest of the category management process.
https://readytolearn.cmkg.org/?cartDepartmentId= MTgwOTYz&cartcourseids=LP12438#/cart
Turning Data Into Insights:
Understanding & Using Data, Category Assessment, Category Tactics & Analytics, Category Management on Limited Data
This program gives the analytic foundations required for basic data and analysis skills. Participants will learn the key category management data sources and then learn key data measures associated with Retailer POS and syndicated data, including benchmarks and tactical measures (including Product Assortment, Shelving, Pricing and Promotion). The last part of the program focuses on data analysis in a limited data environment, giving participants different ways to use the data that they do have access to. Throughout the program participants will develop an understanding of how to turn data and information into insights and action.
https://readytolearn.cmkg.org/?cartDepartmentId= MTgwOTYz&cartcourseids=LP12439#/cart
Turning Data Into Action Through the Tactics:
Pricing Analysis, Promotion Analysis, Space Management, Efficient Assortment
This program delves further into the tactics, with in-depth focus on strategy and analytics associated with pricing, promotion, space management and efficient assortment. It arms participants with the necessary skills to complete in-depth analysis for their categories, segments and brands, with many hands-on workshops to allow them to practice their newly developed skills.
https://readytolearn.cmkg.org/?cartDepartmentId= MTgwOTYz&cartcourseids=LP12440#/cart
The training certified by the Category Management Association
Special prices for Baltic countries and ECR Baltic members, here! | Business recommendations | Free trial | Foundational / Certified Professional Category Analyst Program | Intermediate / Certified Professional Category Manager Program | Advanced / Certified Professional Strategic Advisor Program | CatMan Training Programs for Sales: | CatMan Training Programs for Marketing