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EU Co-funding opportunities for exhibitions, one 2 one meetings, production site and products certifications.
Following positive experience in EU co-funding acquiring for ECR Baltic events, we would like to share the EU co-funding opportunities in export marketing program for Latvia registered companies (for FMCG, food, packaging manufacturers, solution providers, logistics, IT and others sectors. In general farmers, retail and wholesale cannot comply with this program, minor exceptions applied to production and services for export structural units).
Here is our short list of opportunities:
- Support for participation in Industry Fairs and Forums with booth, pay presentations and promotions of products and services rendered from Latvia. The support intensity available varies from 50% to 70% on transport, accommodation (up to 5 employees), participation and renting the booth space. Please refer to suggested events and fairs to participate from
- ECR Baltic events calendar (i.e. Estonian and Lithuanian Food Fairs, Traders Forums, Supply Chain Conferences and ECR forums in Poland and Russia and other Countries).
- Latvian Investment Agency list of major fairs across Europe/World for food/drink Industries;
- You can also opt for support for your own event not listed above!
- NEW: Support for “One 2 One” visits to potential buyers/customers according to ECR Baltic or your Industry association approved/suggested agenda. In case you have potential buyer/customer you want to visit in person at the customer site or call the meeting during the major Industry event in respective Country, you can also apply for 50-70% refund on accommodation and transport costs up to 5 people and meeting organizer’s (ECR Baltic or your Industry Association) fee.
- NEW: Support for production site and product certification up to EUR 25’000 p.a. if and when it is mandatory according to export market legislation and/or your major retail/wholesale/distribution partner requirements in respective Country.
- Traditionally this support program is supposed for acquiring special fito sanitary certificates of importing Country, also Kosher and Halal. However we would like to defend this program for supporting companies in getting products listed in Scandinavian and Europe’s major traditional and online retailers like amazon.com, which would include listing of products in GDSN certified data pool, product data quality verification against EU food information directive 1169/2011, product information and image processing and maintenance for online stores and trade marketing, necessary translations and laboratory tests on product nutrition facts.
In case you feel the above mentioned support would be right for you, please do not hesitate to contact ECR Baltic!
- Traditionally this support program is supposed for acquiring special fito sanitary certificates of importing Country, also Kosher and Halal. However we would like to defend this program for supporting companies in getting products listed in Scandinavian and Europe’s major traditional and online retailers like amazon.com, which would include listing of products in GDSN certified data pool, product data quality verification against EU food information directive 1169/2011, product information and image processing and maintenance for online stores and trade marketing, necessary translations and laboratory tests on product nutrition facts.
References and more information (in Latvian): - Export marketing program description and documentation: http://www.liaa.gov.lv/lv/es-fondi/pienem/arejo-tirgu-apgusana-arejais-marketings-6-un-turpmakas-kartas - Applied changes in regulations of entrepreneurship and innovation support program for export marketing http://likumi.lv/ta/id/269853-grozijumi-ministru-kabineta-2009-gada-17-junija-noteikumos-nr-582-noteikumi-par-darbibas-programmas-uznemejdarbiba-un-inovacija - Ministry of Economics Press release on availability of extra EUR 7 million for export marketing programs https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/jaunumi/2575-pieskirti-7-miljoni-euro-atbalstam-komersantiem-jaunu-eksporta-tirgu-apgusanai - FAQ and basic requirements for support applications presentation: http://www.liaa.gov.lv/files/liaa/attachments/pamatnosacijumi_prezent_ata_1020141.pdf - Latvian Investment and development Agency export services presentation: http://www.liaa.gov.lv/files/liaa/attachments/liaa_eksporta_pakalpojumi.pdf |
How ECR Baltic can help?
- Quick pre-check if your company / activity can comply to support according to the above mentioned programs, Free of Charge!
- Application for pre-approval: processing and preparation of necessary documentation for planned activity, from EUR 200 + VAT members and EUR 300 + VAT non-members.
- Final report and payment order processing of pre-approved activity, from EUR 200 + VAT members and EUR 300 + VAT non-members.
- Application and payment order processing for the past activity (without pre-approval), from EUR 300 + VAT ECR members EUR 450 + VAT non-members.
- Organization of One 2 One meetings fee, depends case by case and is subject to pre-approval, for more information please contact:
Edgars Pentjuss, ECR Baltic +371 26546645
Disclaimer: - ECR Baltic cannot be held liable for application rejection by authorities and any other claims arising form signed agreement between the applicant and authority. The processing of additional documentation requested on top of submitted applications to be charged at actual working hour’s rate. Meanwhile there is no reason the company should not be able to process all documentations itself or with help of any other 3rd party! - ECR Baltic as a regional non for profit organization in Baltics supposed to offer similar assistance to Lithuania and Estonia registered members for acquiring EU co-funding, which is not the case as the support programs were made available to ECR Baltic as an Industry association which is registered in Latvia itself. Nevertheless the support might be available to your Latvia registered entities. We suggest checking similar support opportunities in Estonia and Lithuania with Enterprise Estonia http://www.eas.ee and Enterprise Lithuania http://www.enterpriselithuania.com/ . In case you would like to join ECR Baltic in joint missions at major Baltic FMCG sector events, please check our gold membership program, here! |