Implementing EDI



Your position within the supply chain will probably influence the way you progress with your EDI project. You may be an initiator (anchor of EDI community) of the EDI project, in which case many of the early decisions will be yours, or you may have been asked to partake in EDI by a major customer (Key customer – such as retail chain) in which case many of the initial choices may already have been taken. If you have originally been asked by a major customer, you will want to enhance your own supply chain by implementing EDI further upstream to your own suppliers and will need to make the necessary decisions.


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Why do you need EDI in a Supply Chain to become ECR?

What is EDI?

EDI benefits and challenges

What types of data can you exchange using EDI?

Business process and message samples

Planning for EDI

Implementing EDI

Check list to start EDI in practice

Useful links
