ECR BALTIC EDI SEMINAR (April 15, 2010):
ECR Baltic seminar Electronic Data Interchange to Optimize Business Processes in the Baltic’s was held in Riga, Latvia, on April 15th, 2010. The seminar gathered 69 participants and speakers representing retailers, manufacturers, state authorities, public sector, and solution providers, who had a chance to learn not only the theoretical background of EDI but also the legislation issues hindering successful development of EDI in the Baltic‟s. Furthermore, several real life business cases of successful implementation of EDI were analyzed, and steps needed to implement EDI in practice were explained by experts. Seminar participants evaluated the EDI Seminar as a very successful and useful learning experience, encouraging similar events to be organized also in the future.
'In Rimi Baltic we strongly believe that working through EDI is an effective solution, beneficial for both RIMI and its suppliers to drive supply chain efficiency. It has been proven best practice during the years, ensuring business process automation and increased productivity.'
-Bernardo Machado-
Rimi Baltic, Supply Chain and Central Sourcing Director
'There are usually many mistakes when orders are managed manually or by e-mails. But now, when EDI has been implemented, there are no more mistakes or misunderstanding, and only one person is needed to manage the process. We have better cooperation with EDI customer now.'
-Inga Ozola-
A/S Aldaris, Supply chain projects manager